Canadian Blogger Hermione Flavia reviewed ORD -
She wrote “Reading this volume, I felt something very special. In my hands I held a
labour of love, an out pouring of vulnerability and greif, but most of
all of love….
There is so much heart and the beauty of life in this book, and even an understanding that grief has it’s beauty too.”
Thanks Hermione!
check it out!
O! Relentless Death! Celebrity, Loss and Mourning is a compendium of tributes to celebrity artists, journalists, writers, athletes and political leaders who died in 2016. The poignant words of 23 separate authors describe not only the relentless loss of significant celebrities and public figures in 2016, but also the loss, mourning and disorientation that many of us experienced after the election of Donald Trump. Each written piece is accompanied by a linoleum print of the celebrity, created by the collection’s authors, artists Lee and Andrew Fearnside (who are sister and brother). The prints are beautiful–sometimes raw, sometimes literal and sometimes transcendent, reminding us of the grief that accompanies every human life.
–Kristine Maltrude, CEO/Founder of ArtSpark, Albuquerque/San Francisco